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Callaway FT-I 25th Anniversary Driver

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Callaway FT-I 25th Anniversary Driver Empty Callaway FT-I 25th Anniversary Driver

Post  summer Wed Sep 29, 2010 11:05 am

Faldo said: "The trust for me, Callaway FT-i Driver and Callaway FT-iQ Driver I would have thought an awful lot of other players, has gone out of the window. If you're going to sit in that team room, you have to be prepared to say some pretty tough things. The Callaway FT-I 25th Anniversary Driver thought that somebody might be thinking that the sentiments expressed would be great for their next book would be just too dangerous. I think a lot of senior members of the European Tour are very upset about it all. Suddenly a guy has gone over the boundary lines of revealing what goes on in a team room, I think that some confidences have to be kept,"

James, who sits on the Golf clubs European Tour Tournament Committee, may be brought to task in one of two meetings in the near future. The annual meeting is held today at Celtic Manor in Wales but the subject may not be raised just yet. But in the Callaway FT i-Brid Irons next meeting due for July 11th, if pressure continues, his comments will need to be addressed.


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Join date : 2010-08-26

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